Just a thought, from RESULTS ORIENTED
"What haven't you noticed lately?"
This phrase was used to highlight the fact that people and organizations can miss the obvious. Including the business that they are really in, which means they cannot drive their business forward.
McLuhan is regarded as a genius, known for his creative thinking. Mark Federman and Derrick de Kerckhove have written a book, explaining how to invoke the priniciples, and obtain the same quality of results as McLuhan.
Part of the tool-kit is the "Playshop", a workshop with a playful connotation. In fact Mark stated that if people did not feel as if it was play, then the group did not solve complex issues. This does not mean a lack of stress, or a deadline. Just that people must be able to play out roles and ideas.

When attempting creative thinking do you ensure a playful atmosphere? Is your team relaxed enough to think? Or, what haven't you noticed lately?

Source: Mark Federman, The originator of McLuhan Management Studies, speaking at the University of Toronto's 'Lifelong Learning Day' for MBA Alumni. Also, co-author of the book 'McLuhan for Managers', ISBN:0-670-04371-0